February 18: Twelve years ago, a developer from Haryana wanted to provide the solution to the mass population of India. In the process, he would tackle a much bigger opportunity by starting a web hosting business. Today, his company owns the most modern cloud computing services in different locations all over the world and serves more than 9000 clients across the globe. Most of their clients are from southeast Asia.
MicroHost Cloud became the first cloud platform in India and the fastest-growing cloud computing platform worldwide in 2018. The company focused on simplifying the complexities of infrastructure for software developers. The simple and fast SSD/NVMe servers can be deployed with just one click to provide your applications with scalable performance without any worries about scalability or hardware maintenance costs!
In this special interview with the founder and CTO of MicroHost Cloud’ Manoj Dhanda, we discover a special blend of his long-term vision, discuss the hosting business landscape, and Manoj’s journey in the web hosting business.
MicroHost Cloud is a cloud computing company for developers. What do developers need to know about how MicroHost Cloud makes their job easier?
Our mission is to help developers all around the world create amazing products, and our robust, cost-effective, and easy architecture is making cloud computing more accessible than ever.
Outside of the core developer market, start-ups are driving our growth. Even if it’s for personal use cases, developers’ familiarity with our platform enables them to bring MicroHost Cloud to their business or enterprise environments as well.
Developers and startups care about the same things regardless of their location – they want a cloud platform that’s simple, fast, feature-rich, and inexpensive. MicroHost Cloud meets these criteria because we take care of the infrastructure side while allowing developers to focus on creating applications that address real client issues.
You can select the type of operating system you want to use on our platform and have a server up and running in less than 30 seconds. Other cloud platforms, on the other hand, have a significant learning curve.
We’ve always prioritized making our products easy to use. While other cloud providers have focused their efforts on large enterprises and legacy businesses, we’ve continued to develop better development tools for cloud developers wanting to deploy and manage apps.
Simplicity is our trademark, which can be found in all of our items. This characteristic may be seen in every item we release. We make sure that the idea of simplicity is kept across our services such as Block storage and object storage, firewall, and load balancer.
We want to provide a simple yet efficient cloud platform, as well as pay-as-you-go pricing that is simple and transparent. We’ve also concentrated on developing a genuine community of developers to assist in the growth of the market and support them as they create tomorrow’s technology.
We provide phone, email, and ticket support to all of our clients at any time.
Let’s talk about the products. Can you break down your product line and explain what each of the offerings does?
Our Cloud Servers are virtual machines with a pre-determined compute, storage, and networking capacity that may be expanded as needed, and they’re currently available. It specializes in offering software developers high-performance servers at market-leading prices while maintaining simplicity and user experience as top priorities. Outside of Cloud Servers, we also have a Block storage offering that provides additional flexibility in increasing storage for an existing virtual machine.
What can customers expect from MicroHost Cloud over the next few years?
Our platform appealed to individual developers and hobbyists who wanted to use our platform for their freelance or hosting needs. Teams of developers started using MicroHost Cloud for commercial purposes as our platform developed. Our objective is to enable businesses and engineering teams to better address their large-scale production environment requirements with new features such as Kubernetes, Block Storage, Load Balancers, Firewall, Monitoring, Object Storage and a host of new offerings (across the 3 pillars of Compute, Storage & Networking) in our upcoming roadmap; our goal is to enable businesses and engineering teams to better address their large-scale production environment needs.
We will add more products to our portfolio to make the experience of our customers seamless.
If someone wants to discover more about MicroHost Cloud’s Platform, How to do that?
I would like to recommend signing up for a trial account at https://microhost.com and testing our products.